Page 465 - Hartner
P. 465

Point geometries

           acc. to Works Standard            acc. to DIN 1412 (extract, edition 03/01)

           Relieved cone                     Web-thinned chisel edge           Web-thinned chisel edge
           standard point design             according to DIN 1412 A           with modified lip
           Application: For all routine drilling  Application: For all routine drilling opera-  according to DIN 1412 B
           operations in steel, non-ferrous metals and  tions                  Application: For high-strength steels,
           plastics. The point angle depends on the  with thick-webbed drills, and for drilling  manganese steels containing more than
           machinability of the materials.   into solid material with large diameter drills.  10% Mn, hard spring steels and enlarging
           Advantages: Strong lips, resistant to   Advantages: Good centering for spot  existing holes.
           impact                            drilling due to reduction of chisel edge to  Advantages: Resistant to impact, one
           and lateral forces. Regrinding is simple and  1/10 of drill diameter and reduction in feed  sided-loading and lateral forces. No
           may be carried out by hand.       pressure.                         snatching on thin-walled workpieces.
           Disadvantages: Wide chisel edge requires  Disadvantages: Greater outlay for regrin-  Disadvantages: High feed pressure, tendency
           high feed pressure.               ding.                             to more off-centre; greater outlay for regrinding

                                             Split point                       Double-angle point for grey
                                             according to DIN 1412 C           cast iron acc. to DIN 1412 D
                                             Application: For drills with very thick webs  Application: For drilling workpieces made
                                             destined for very tough, hard materials and  from grey and malleable cast iron, and
                                             for deep-hole drills.             forgings.
                                             Advantages: Good centering, low feed.  Advantages: Protects outer corners due to
                                             Improved chip removal by means of chip  increased lip length, resistant to impact,
                                             breaker.                          good heat conduction properties and thus
                                             Disadvantages: Correct regrinding only  increased tool life.
                                             possible by machine.              Disadvantages: Greater outlay for regrin-

                                             Centre point
                                             according to DIN 1412 E
                                             Application: For drilling sheet metal and
                                             soft materials, for flat-bottomed blind
                                             Advantages: Good centering, reduced
                                             on through holes, precise drilling in thin
                                             sheet and pipes, no snatching. Available
                                             over 2.5 Ø.
                                             Disadvantages: Sensitive to impact and
                                             one-sided loading. Correct regrinding only
                                             possible by machine.

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