Page 451 - Hartner
P. 451

                                                   tool materials


           Material selection                                Main material group  S
           Dependent on the specific application task, the various attributes  Heat-resistant “super alloys” based on iron, nickel or cobalt as well as
           must, therefore, be carefully balanced. Subsequently, there are vario-  titanium alloys are included in group S.It is divided into the application
           us carbides available. In order to find the correct carbide for a speci-  groups 01-30, dependent on the cutting load.
           fic application task, several classification systems were experimented
           with and introduced as standard to simplify the selection. Widely ac-  Main material group  N
           cepted is the DIN ISO classification system to DIN ISO 513.   This group includes non-ferrous metals, especially aluminium-alloys
                                                             and non-metal materials. The group is subdivided into the application
           A classification letter describes the application ranges of carbide and  groups 01-40, dependent on the cutting load.
           coating  combinations, a classification  number  describes  the hard-
           ness and toughness balancing. A small classification number signs a  Main material group  H
           high hardness of the application, a high number the toughness.  This group includes hard machining of hardened steels. The applica-
                                                             tion groups are from 01-30, depending on the cutting load.
           Main material group  P
           This group includes long-chipping ferrous metals except stainless  Many carbide grades cover the broad spectrum of the main material
           and austenitic steels and is, according to the cutting load, divided  groups, especially when coated tools are applied. For example, most
           into the application groups 01-50.                of the FIRE-coated carbide drills in the Hartner range are assigned to
                                                             the main material groups K and P.
           Main material group  M
           Group M includes austenitic stainless steels, austenitic/ferritic steels  Individual Hartner grades
           and cast steels. The group is subdivided into the application groups  The following table lists the most important carbides that are availa-
           01-40, dependent on the cutting load. At Hartner, P and M applica-  ble from Hartner ex-stock for general applications. Further carbide
           tions are achieved with coated K carbide.         grades are available on request. In more than 80% of applications
                                                             known to Hartner, the results of DK460UF carbide grade tools toge-
           Main material group  K                            ther with a specially adapted coating could not be surpassed by any
           Group K incorporates all forms of grey cast iron and malleable cast  other carbide grades, including coated tools. This and the availability
           iron. Dependent on cutting load it is subdivided into the application  of the material ex-stock simplify tool selection immensely. For further
           groups 01-40.                                     information regarding the application of other carbide grades please
                                                             contact our technical engineers.

           Description  Co-content  Tungsten carbide  Hardness  ISO  classification  Characteristics
                      [M-%]    grain size [µm]  [HV]  [ISO 513]

           DK460UF    10       0.5         1620    K20-K40          A carbide grade with wide range of application possibili-
                                                   coated:          ties.It is applied, mostly coated, for the machining of steel,
                                                   P, M20-M40, H, S,   soft Al alloys, cast iron as well as “super alloys” such as
                                                   N25              Inconel 718. This grade is the backbone of our carbide
           DK255F     8        0.7         1720    K20              The grade is recommended for hard machining, the
                                                   coated:          machining of high tensile grey cast iron and hard AlSi-
                                                   P, M, H, S, N20  alloys. Dry machining is possible. A coated application is

           DK120      6        1.3         1620    K15              The grade is especially suitable for the application with
                                                   coated:          diamond coating.

           DK120UF    7        0.5         1850    K05              Ultra fine grain type offering extreme wear resistance, sui-
                                                                    table for absolutely rigid machines, preferred for reamers.

           DK400N     10       0.7         1580    K35M coated:     An extremely tough grade for the machining of high heat
                                                   P, M, S, N35M    resistant metals.

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