Page 294 - Hartner
P. 294

The drilling process

            A brief introduction to the subject of deep hole drilling

            In the machining world, drilling depths of 10 x D and deeper  High pressure cooling has become a matter of course
            are regarded as deep hole drilling operations, whereby smaller  In recent years, internal cooling has established itself for all dril-
            drilling depths can naturally also be produced with gun drills.  ling tools. Coolants are now living up to their name and being
            Advantage is taken of the positive side effects, as for example  supplied via coolant ducts to where they are urgently required.
            good surface quality, low deviation from concentricity and opti-  Considerable improvements in tool life and less breakages have
            mised alignment accuracy.                             been achieved by this measure for twist drills, taps etc.
                                                                  Every conventional machine tool currently on the market can be
            Typical procedure with all gun drills on conventional   supplied with high pressure internal cooling and is therefore also
            machine tools:                                        suitable for deep hole drilling.
            • production  of  pilot  hole.  Enter  at  low  revolutions,  approx.   The share of gun drills on machining centres, lathes etc. is fore-
             200 rev./min, feed rate approx. 500 mm/min.          ver gaining more importance. The process is therefore increa-
            • setting coolant pressure and speed.                 sing in popularity in the machining world.
            • continuous  drilling  to  complete  hole  depth  without  chip
             removal. When applying gun drills with increased length-
             diameter-ratio (e.g. single fluted, solid carbide gun drills
             from  flute  length  160  mm),  we  recommend  machining  with
             reduced cutting parameters (approx. 75% of the optimal
             cutting speed) up to a drilling depth of approx. 25 mm.
            • switch off coolant supply after reaching hole depth.
            • withdrawal in rapid feed with stationary spindle.

                                         Deep hole drilling is not a
                                         closed book, but can be
                                         mastered by anybody as
               All gun drills must have   long as certain conditions
               support for the pilot hole.
                                         are adhered to.
                                         Recommended cutting rates
               Gun drills must never ope-  for the application of Hart-
               rate at full speed without   ner gun drills can be found
               support in the machine    on the pages for the indivi-
                                         dual types!


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